In a person, a family, or a community, it is the process of all aspects of life being set back to how God intended, for our good and His glory.
We want to see God bring reformation through the gospel.
Sunday mornings at 10am in Beach City
We seek to preach the gospel of the kingdom by the power of the Spirit.
We seek to make disciples of Jesus.
We seek to glorify the Father in all things.
What’s in a name?
Why are we called Reformation Bible Church? We put this video together to explain much of what we mean when we decided to use this name for our church. You can read more in our FAQ page.
Only the gospel—the good news of Jesus Christ—can change a life, a family, a community. So we labor to share this good news as we gather for worship and as we live in our communities and vocations. This good news re-forms us to live differently, not by our own strength, but by God’s power in us having been made new in Jesus. The gospel is our hope, our source of new life, and our reason for worship and mission.
Christian community
We value community at Reformation. We recognize that God has given us the gift of others in the Christian life. From the beginning God has said that it is not good that man should be alone (Gen. 2:18). And that is about more than just Adam and Eve. It is not good for men and women to try to live the Christian life alone. So we prioritize time together.
Children at Reformation
We celebrate and encourage families worshipping together, so children are welcome in our Sunday morning worship service. We want to help you feel comfortable raising your children to be worshippers of God as they see what happens in “big church.” If you would like, we have a nursery and a class for toddlers through preschool-age children during the service. Those who serve with our children are members of our church, have been screened through appropriate background checks, and receive ongoing training.
Church planting
As a church that was planted to reach our community with the gospel, we desire to see more churches planted here, in our state, in our country, and around the world. This desire is rooted in the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us! So, a key aspect of our mission as a church is to prayerfully support church planting efforts, train up potential church planters, and connect ourselves with networks of churches who do the same.
We recognize that true unity as a church lies in our common belief. Common belief has to do with both doctrine and how we do ministry. While me may not agree on everything, we come together agreeing on our Statement of Faith and the additional doctrinal and practical statements of our Constitution. This allows us to stand together on the things that matter and give grace to one another on things that we need not separate over.